“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
I manage the Small Business Administration department for Vantage Bank. The SBA works with approved lenders like Vantage Bank to provide loans to small businesses by guaranteeing a portion of the loan.
I have worked in most areas of commercial lending for most of my career. I worked as a lender under our bank's commercial business banking program where small commercial loans were processed. I then took part in developing the SBA department at our bank.
I love that we still have a small town feel in the Rio Grande Valley. I believe our role is to serve the banking needs of our community.
I am a board member of The Aurora House Foundation. AHF is a special care facility that provides compassionate end of life care that relies on the community, and charitable organizations for support. I am also a member of the Weslaco Lions Club. The club raises funds from the general public that are used for charitable purposes and goes towards projects that benefit the local community.
I love gardening. I find working on my yard very relaxing and rewarding. I love spending time with my family, especially my grandchildren.
I specialize in SBA lending, including: guidelines, documentation, and packaging of loan requests.