Jim Luttrell
Market PresidentFive years with Vantage Bank

“The most rewarding part of being a banker is learning from and assisting our customers and friends. Business owners have a passion for their businesses and being able to build off that and assist is extremely fulfilling and good for the community.”
As Fort Worth Market President, I work to help make a client's dream reality. All relationships need to be beneficial to both parties. Helping a client realize their goals benefits them, the bank, and the community that we live and work in.
I was the former Regional President at Southwest Bank, a Fort Worth based community bank. I also have 31 years of banking experience in Fort Worth, Arlington, and the Burleson area.
Although we are in the 12th largest city in the United States, it still feels like a small hometown where everyone knows our names. We have a very diverse and encouraging community.
I am active in:
-Past President, Leadership Arlington
-Former Chairman, Azleway Children's Services
-Past Board Member of Arlington-Mansfield YMCA
-Former Board Member of Meals on Wheels of America Foundation (Alexandria, VA)
I enjoy spending time with my family, traveling, volunteering, and learning. I have an interest in USA presidents and enjoy visiting the different presidential libraries.
I specialize in commercial banking, real estate lending, and executive & professional banking.